Welcome from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another busy week flies by… I managed to get out to the Kinde tree today with the Kindergarten children and, as ever, was struck by their creativity and imagination. No hopping from foot to foot next to the accompanying adults and wondering when they can go back inside – I saw the children really playing together and organising hide and seek, imaginary horses (that could have been my influence…) swinging in the hammock and throwing sticks for Bella. There was no limit to their play, as it should be.

It is getting colder and wetter out there, as we’d expect. Not all children have wellies, waterproof coats and overtrousers in school, and the back garden gets very muddy and wet underfoot. As it gets worse, we’ll still be out there at break and lunch so please do ensure that your child has these items in school, and that they fit.

Equally, the National Trust are preparing for winter by closing their gates at 5pm. Please ensure you bear this in mind when picking children up from Home Room.

Looking towards the older end of the school, Hazel class have been looking at online safety in their Computing lessons, and it has prompted some interesting discussions around staying safe whilst gaming online. Games like Roblox and Minecraft can be diverting and creative for children if used correctly, but it is important that parents are aware of the dangers and are educating themselves as to how they can best protect their children. If your child plays Roblox and you have never been on the platform, I would advise you to go and have a look and familiarise yourself with it. I would always recommend locking down their profiles so that they are not able to use the functions to chat online to other users. I have included some tips below on how to keep your children safe when they are playing games online.

There are some links below which you may wish to explore:




Lastly, we look forward to inviting our community to celebrate our Lantern Festival on Wednesday 6th November. Please see the flyer below.

Kind regards,


Announcements, Reminders and Important Information

  • We have new accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram. Please click on the icons at the bottom of this newsletter to like and follow our pages. Thank you!
  • Our after school provision on a Friday afternoon may be booked on an ad hoc basis. Please let the office know by 9am Friday if you wish to use the afternoon provision as a one off. Those parents who have blocked booked for Friday afternoons do not need to contact us. Pickup on a Friday from the afterschool provision can be any time up to 5pm. When thinking about your timing please bear in mind it takes a few minutes for your child to tidy up and be ready if it is mid-session.
  • If you would like to join the parents WhatsApp groups, please contact the office and they will put you in touch with your parent rep. Alternatively contact your parent rep directly.

Kindergarten and Junior School News

Autumn Term Calendars

Upcoming Diary Dates

Next week Event Details
Wednesday 9th October  

Homeopathy workshop with Sofia

1pm – 2pm


Come and meet Sofia in the Hall to hear about how homeopathy can help combat coughs and colds this winter.




Saturday 12th October



Parent Workshop with Jo

details tbc
Coming up Event Details
Thursday 17th October  

Junior School open classroom

2.45pm to 3.15pm


Our Junior staff welcome you in to see all of the children’s hard work this half term.

Friday 18th October


Half Term 1pm Extra curricular clubs will be available until 5pm.

Please let Emma know if you will be using the clubs.

In a Nutshell Newsletter 27th September: Oats and beans and barley grow...
In a Nutshell Newsletter 11th October: Autumn fires and fallen leaves