Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Monday 22nd May (9am) |
Farms for City Children Assembly (in-school event) |
A Visiting Speaker from Farms for City Children – our new charity that we are supporting as a school – will be sharing about what they do in assembly. |
Monday 22nd May (2pm) |
Kindergarten to Junior Transition Q&A |
Parents of children moving up to the new Class 1 (Willow Class) in September are welcome to attend a Q&A session to find out more about transitioning to the Junior School. Join us in person or virtually ( Zoom invites sent and recordings will be shared). |
Thursday 25th May (afternoon in-school) |
Sailing for Hazel, Chestnut and Oak Children | Sailing at Wimbledon Park will be taking place in school. Children will return to school in time for afterschool clubs. |
Friday 26th May (after drop-off) |
Oak Walk and Talk with Sarah | A chance to meet our new Headteacher personally while enjoying springtime in the park. |
Friday 26th May | End of Half Term | Have a great week off and see you all again on Monday 5th June! |
Week commencing Monday 5th June |
Event |
Details |
Thursday 8th June (afternoon in-school) |
Sailing for Hazel, Chestnut and Oak Children | Sailing at Wimbledon Park will be taking place in school. Children will return to school in time for afterschool clubs. |
Friday 9th June
(10-11:30am) |
Open Morning | Prospective parents and children are welcome to attend this Open Morning to find out more about the magic of The London Acorn School. Book a place at Open Day – The London Acorn School |
Welcome from our Headteacher
With warmest regards,

Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
New Starters:
- Please join us in welcoming Maria-Bella and Sunny Valente Valois to Kindergarten this term. We hope you and your family settle into our community and enjoy your learning journey at TLAS.
Thank you:
- Thank you to all our parents who contributed to the wonderful occasion of our May Day Festival (please see photos below). It was fantastic to celebrate our diversity as a school with such a tasty array of dishes from all over the world.
- Follow us on Social Media @thelondonacornschool on Instagram and Facebook for daily posts, including photos and videos and event reminders.
- Term ends on Friday 26th May, afterschool clubs running as normal. Term will start again on Monday 5th June.
Exciting opportunities:
Barnes Children’s Literature Festival is returning on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June. Not only have they got a legendary line-up of authors speaking, including Sir Michael Morpurgo, but they also have a rendition of The Wind in the Willows, great research for our own Wind in the Willows musical. For more information, visit https://www.barneskidslitfest.org/.

Kindergarten News
In Woodwork, Kindergarten have been making a huge mess in the workshop! They have been using spokeshaves to remove bark from branches and create walking staffs.
Junior School News
Willow Class have been gathering information about Morden Hall Park in order to write an information leaflet as part of their Sustainability Topic this term. What’s more, they have been linking RE (Mindfulness) and Science (Ecosystems) with Art to create a class display. What beauty we can create when we work together.
Hazel Class have made practising their debating skills in English – beware parents! The students have been debating Victorian parenting in relation to our class text, Rooftoppers. They are creating convincing arguments supported by evidence as well as learning formal oracy skills.
Oak Class have been introduced to Homer and the overall picture of the Iliad and Odyssey. We will be working on stories from the Odyssey for the rest of term. We also took a lesson to explore dress and clothing in Ancient Greece. With maths, we have begun the journey to understand negative numbers. Meanwhile, in literacy, we have been sharpening our punctuation and returning to spelling tests, with commonly misspelt words the spelling theme of the week.
Hazel and Oak Classes also learnt the ropes last week and took to the water with sailing lessons. It was fantastic to see every child sailing on Wimbledon Lake and getting over any fears of capsizing with the reward of ice cream! Our confident students are already looking forward to a little more wind next lesson.
Woodland Craft
Willow Class
It was great to see Willow class after a long break, and their sharing and entwining of flowers in their festival wreaths was impressive.
Hazel Class
We looked at bee anatomy and then did part one of a printing project, beginning to print bees and leaves on cotton bags. There was also time for some mud-flinging, imaginative games and insect- spotting.
Chestnut and Oak Classes
We practised tree ID at the start with ‘leaf tickets’ to the woodland, where whittling, using a frayed branch to sweep a hawthorn den, receiving visitors, running, mud play, discussions and exercising on logs all took place. The insect field guide was handy, and most of us tasted birch sap, sent over from Sweden in frozen bottles by my aunt, which was respected – but not much liked!
May Day Festival Photos
Summer Term Calendar 2023