Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Wednesday 20th March | Kindergarten Experience for prospective parents
10am – 11:30am |
This is a window into Kindergarten led by Jo Pearce, our Little Acorns Parent leader, who introduces prospective parents of 2-3 year-olds to the magic of early years education at The London Acorn School.
An opportunity to try Kindergarten baking with your child while taking part in a Q&A session about Kindergarten education at The London Acorn School.
To book a place, email: littleacorns@thelondonacornschool.co.uk
Thursday 21st March |
Junior Open Classroom
2:45pm – 3:15pm |
Come and see your child’s fantastic work that they’ve been working on throughout the Spring Term. They are so proud of all that they’ve done and would love to share it with you. |
Friday 22nd March |
Growing Spaces Community Clear-up
8:35am |
Due to wet weather, the previous community clear-up has now been rescheduled for Friday 22nd March. Thank you to our parent volunteers for offering to help make our allotment space clean and tidy again. |
Friday 22nd March | Junior Flute and Recorder Concert
12:30pm – 1pm |
We are delighted to share with parents and carers the musical pieces that the Juniors have been working on throughout the term.
Next week | Event |
Monday 25th March |
Ready, Steady, Read assembly | Sara from Osborne Books will be delivering to our Junior assembly all the new books raised for the school – £950 worth of new books! |
Tuesday 26th March | Wimbledon BookFest
Author Talk for Oak and Chestnut |
We are delighted to be returning to Wimbledon BookFest as part of this term’s focus on the culture of reading. Oak and Chestnut pupils will be listening to Tolà Okogwu discuss her latest book Onyeka and the Secret Superhero.
A consent form has been sent to parents: https://forms.office.com/e/dZBitAXnra |
Wednesday 27th March | Whole School Easter Egg Hunt | We had such fun last year finding clues around Morden Hall Park and enjoying a tasty end of term treat that we can’t wait to do the same again this year. |
Wednesday 27th March | End of Spring Term | From all us here at The London Acorn School, we wish you a very happy Easter Holiday and look forward to seeing you for the start of the Summer Term on Tuesday 16th April 2024. |
Welcome from our Headteacher

Welcome to our last full week before the Easter holidays.
Last week, with heads of other Chatsworth Schools, I spent a few days at the international UNESCO conference on inclusion in education. It was a very inspiring few days, especially listening to the address by Daniel Sobel, author of ‘the inclusive classroom’ and founder of International Forums of Inclusion Practitioners.
Globally there are so many barriers to accessing education: from poverty to neurodiversity to mental health to prejudice to national crisis or war. It was wonderful to hear about practical strategies from around the world to create inclusive classrooms, where all learners are listened to and all learners matter. Done right, this brings great benefits to everyone and reflects the world around us.
It was agreed that one of the most important elements to a truly inclusive educational community was a feeling of belonging where students feel that they matter and that nobody is left behind. Karen Polak, from the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, summed it up when she said that “all voices count, all learners matter and all teachers matter”. The ability to listen to others and develop the empathy to see their side of their story is to develop emotional intelligence, powers of analysis and critical thinking.
Every day at The London Acorn School I see my teaching colleagues working to develop these skills in children. Often we get this so right, and sometimes our practice needs more work. Thank you for your ongoing feedback and partnership with us to support our practice.
With warmest wishes,
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
Thank you to all parents who bought old clothes in for the charity ‘Bag to School’. We have raised £30 donating 60kg of clothes and this money will be added to our book fund for new reading material for the children.
Strawberry and banana smoothies will be sold alongside popcorn on Fridays to raise money for our school’s chosen charity this year, The Trussell Trust foodbank.
Costs £1.
Contains: gluten free oat milk, frozen strawberries and bananas.

Kindergarten News
We celebrated World Book Day at the beginning of the week. The many lovely root (or bug) children dressed in authentic homemade costumes made our kindergarten extra lively! Children not only enjoyed re-enacting the root children story, but also felt inspired to create gardens during free play time. Blankets turned into pond, meadows, and lawn. A curved board formed a perfect bridge and pegs became fish swimming under it. A recycled cardboard box provided those explorers a tent on their grand expedition and later transformed into a cosy reading corner. We only needed a couple of hairbrushes to open a hairdresser shop. Imaginative play goes a long way.
Although it was quite wet to start with, there were a few sunny days last week. When sunlight flooded in from the windows, we would hear children calling, “Look! the sun has come out!” The warmth made us all more active. During outdoor games, there have been quite a few birds flying around and horses trotting around. The older kindergarten children were very keen on improving their big rope skipping skills and little ones challenged themselves by hopping through a series of hula hoops.
The Kindergarten Team would like to thank all the families for your participation on World Book Day and for bringing in the blown eggs! Hope you all had fun preparing them!
Junior School News
Willow Class: In PSHE this term, we have been learning about oracy, how to talk and listen really well, and this is now starting to shine through in classroom interactions with one another, from kind words of praise, to specific feedback, to taking turns and learning how to agree or disagree with someone respectfully. I am very pleased with the effort all pupils are making towards class cohesion.
Birch Class: Birch Class have been busy rehearsing for their Class Play, St Francis of Assisi and the Wolf. We can’t wait to see their play this week and hope they break a leg!
Oak and Chestnut Class: These students are leading the way in terms of robotics, learning how to programme a BBC micro:bit. We look forward to a demonstration.
Woodland Craft News
Liking a friendly robin, children tried to track him or her (‘Shhhh!… Where does he live!?’). Under bendy boughs in two areas, new dens were constructed. Most of the children wanted to use my oatmilk cartons as plant pots, so plants found second homes together : strawberry, sedge (inedible of course) – and one or two hairy bittercress (delicious once the mud out’s off). Great delight in sticks – ‘this looks like an electric eel ….electric eel power!!’ and a sense of magic around us all : the squirrel really did play hide and seek with one child, visits were made between dens, and many ‘found objects’ had seemingly magical properties.
The downpour stopped, leaving fat droplets glimmering on many twigs. We admired the oak and the box trees near the stream, and the students threw themselves into their self-appointed challenge of making a nest for the pair of robins hopping around us. The designs showed empathy and attention to detail : a leaf- window, a twig-perch, soft bedding, strong walls. We chatted about different species’ nests. Their finished creation was placed high in the box tree, with hopes that the robins would like it and just possibly lay eggs there !
Later, the clay work indoors also provoked impressive explorations. Pinch pots, snake pots and woodland spirits were quick to emerge, one with shells for ears and an alder-cone topknot.
Oak and Chestnut
We began with a mindfulness session on breathing and using each sense slowly and observantly. For ‘touch’ we each chose a large seed, such as a conker, a fir cone, a peach stone, and compared the diverse seed forms to a variety of egg forms, including the bizarre sharks’ and dog fish’ eggs. Ending with forest bathing, meaning here ‘a wander in the forest with no specific destination’. Then some chose to sit by the river and chat, others completed craftwork and most played coo-whit, glorious in the riverine landscape of puddles and mud