Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Friday 19th January
8:30am |
Class Reps Meeting | Looking forward to meeting with Class Reps in person to discuss suggestions and ideas for the school.
Please email Zoe any questions or comments beforehand at zoe@thelondonacornschool.co.uk |
Friday 19th January
1:30pm |
Open Day | We will be welcoming prospective families to tour around our school and meet our staff to learn more about education at The London Acorn School. |
Next week | Event | Details |
Wednesday 24th January
(children only, in school) |
8billionideas: Green My City Challenge | Chestnut and Oak children will be taking part in 8billionideas entrepreneurship programme this year that will culminate in a presentation in the summer amongst all the Chatsworth Schools. This year, our focus is the project Green My City. We can’t wait to find out more! |
Thursday 25th January (children only) |
Junior Citizen Day | Oak children will be spending the morning at Junior Citizen Day: a multi-agency safety event aimed at Year 6 pupils, designed to provide pupils with life skills that will enable them to keep themselves and others safe.
A parental consent form will be sent shortly. |
Friday 26th January
11:30am-1pm |
Parent Workshop ‘Working with the Nervous System of your Child’ |
Join Headteacher, Sarah Thorne, and parent and pyschotherapist, Catherine Audebourg, for an expert talk on working with the nervous system of your child.
More details and booking form to be sent shortly. |
Welcome from our Headteacher

Welcome everybody!
Just a week in and we are fully back in the swing of school. The children were wonderful last week, overflowing with enthusiasm in lessons and at breaktimes, playing enthusiastic games of tag outside and working really hard on classroom tasks, from designing tartans and land art to finding out about the mountains of the world. Everyone is enjoying their new classroom spaces, including the older Year 1 children in Kindergarten who have started to do some fun “daily work” sessions in their new space, developing their focus and concentration.
This week we are very happy to welcome Dr Laura Feather into Wednesday science lessons for Willow and Birch, her professional specialism is Physics but she has a very deep interest in children’s science education and how we build a sense of connection to this important area of study from primary school.
We also welcome the launch of Spanish Club, which reflects our commitment to building modern foreign language education here. Lily Otten demonstrated how effectively she has worked with the children and Spanish through songs at our Christmas concert and the numbers who have signed up for Spanish Club reflects their enjoyment.
Thank you to all of you who have ensured your children have wellies this week – it is vital to have them in the building for Spring Term!
Best wishes,
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
Our active Student Council have helped the school raise £80 for Farms for City Children by kindly serving popcorn to all classes on Friday lunchtimes. Well done you!
We look forward to hearing from our Student Council which charity we will be supporting this term.
If your child has a health condition, please make sure that the details we hold in the office are up to date and that all medicines we hold are in date. Please note that we cannot dispense any medicine to children that does not have an official prescription dosage label on it and an accompanying form authorising us to give to your child.
Please find attached at the end of this newsletter our Spring Calendar 2024.
We will be sharing more details about upcoming events in our weekly newsletter from January onwards, so keep reading to keep abreast with all the exciting and important things going on at The London Acorn School.
TERM DATES 2024-25:
Please take a look at our Term Dates webpage for newly released 2024-25 term dates.
Follow this link here: https://thelondonacornschool.co.uk/education-overview/term-dates/
Kindergarten News
Junior School News
Willow Class have made an impressive start to the new year, somehow seeming so much older and more settled after the holidays. A new rhythm has been established of physical morning warm-ups, maths games and rhymes in the Hall, followed by a daily short burst of phonics on whiteboards, returning to the classroom for focused bookwork and then story time with the much-loved Reading Owl. That’s all before morning break!
Willow Class had a fantastic Art Lesson with their new Art Teacher, Doug. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, they made their own nature art.
To support at home, spellings will be given out each Monday, linked to the previous week’s Phonics unit. More information will be emailed to Willow parents.
Thanks for reading with your children at home over the holidays; it is most evident in class!
Birch Class have moved upstairs, which they are really enjoying! They have started their new topic studying Scottish History and Geography.
Chestnut and Oak Class had a great first week back. Their main topic this term is Rivers and Mountains. They covered the water cycle and five ways in which Mountains are formed and also learned how to make an electrical circuit in ICT, which will springboard them to programmable systems. Our book for this term is Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom.
Woodland Craft News
Birch Class
Birch Class students were happy to take their walking sticks to the woodland, delighted to be back after a long break. They used their sticks to fish heaps of leaves out of the puddles in the woods, and also made lots of fishing rods, which was fun and gave good practice of simple knotting. They especially enjoyed quiet and cheerful socialising, alongside individual projects and some imaginative group games they invented: ‘You’ll never catch me!’ said one to his friends, as he waded gleefully away through the puddle-flood. We also enjoyed hot tea and the story of Brigid and the Cailleach. Many of the children acted out the fierce winds flying around, and struck the ground with their sticks, bringing frost and snow, before Brigid brought spring.
Chestnut and Oak Class
There was ice to snap on the pond-like puddles and pathways, and the swollen river to admire. That, with a first foray into drilling mast-holes into boats using the new hand-drill, a game of ‘bat and moth’, and plenty of hot tea to warm us, made for a good re-connection to the woodland and a beginning to our ‘rivers’ theme. We discussed the upcoming Imbolc celebration and decided on a way to enact the story of Brigid, and also planned next week: art and crafts round a warm fire at the Kitchen Garden (aka the allotment).
By the way, warmest thanks to parents for their Christmas gift box of Elevenses treats! And in case you’re interested, the tea we drink in the woodland currently is Twinings’ Camomile and Honey (students have been asking what it is called).
Poetry Corner
Poem by Audrey Annuk (Chestnut, yr5) , featured in young writer’s anthology This Is Me.
The Majestic Dolphin
I am curious like the wind.
I am strong and bold like a sword on the battlefield.
I am smart and intelligent like wisdom from the elder tree.
I am beautiful like the sunrise.
I am sporty.
I am mysterious, like a whisper in the night.
I have imagination, like a child playing hide and seek.
I am silly like a monkey and excited and playful like a wave.
I am a fantasy like a princess.
I am majestic and magical.
I swim and jump and dive.
I am anxious and fun like the sun.
I am gorgeous like a lion’s mane.
I am friendly and happy and joyful.
I am adventurous like a butterfly.
I am sneaky like a cat.
I am loud like a tiger’s roar.
I am graceful like a swan.
I am fantastic like a dolphin.
Spring Calendar 2024