Welcome from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

Only one more week until Half Term, but there is no slowing down at The London Acorn School! The children have greeted the week with their usual infectious enthusiasm, and the school has echoed to the sounds of happy play and learning. As I type, Kinde are enjoying their extracurricular dance class, Willow are gtting stuck into their latest woodwork project with Martin, and Hazel are enjoying the unexpectedly sunny afternoon out at Forest School. When I popped into Birch classroom, they were enjoying their Science lesson with Emily, and their focus and concentration was fantastic. Such a lively, busy environment we are lucky to work and learn in!

You are welcome to come into school and see the Juniors’ learning for yourselves – Thursday 17th October is our Junior School Open Classroom, a pupil-run event when your child can show off all their hard work for this half term. You will have the opportunity to accompany your child to their classroom, where you will have time to go through their books together, discuss their learning and appreciate all their effort. Your child’s teacher will not be in attendance – it is a wholly child led event. You will have the opportunity to discuss the work, the curriculum, and any other questions you may have at our Parents’ Evenings on November 12th and 13th (sign up sheets coming out after half term).

Another date for your diary is Friday 18th October, when we will be having a campfire as our end of half term treat. Please ensure that if your child has long hair, they have a means to tie it up that day for safety’s sake. If they would rather not tie their hair up, the children may wear a hat if they prefer. All children will need to bring water bottles too, please.

Last date – the week of Monday 11th November is Anti-Bullying week. In assembly, the children have been discussing what to do when they see or experience bullying, and what constitutes kind behaviour. Kindy have read stories about being a kind friend. In PSHE this half term we have been looking at teams, and what teams have to practice to function well. This year’s theme for Anti Bullying Week is respect – children are invited to wear odd socks to school on Wednesday 13th November as we celebrate difference within our community.

Finally – we’ve got some more fabulous songs for you to practice at home. Once again our Kindy staff have been in fine voice and I have attached sound files below so that you can get singing in preparation for our Lantern Walk…

Extra curricular activities and home room will run as usual next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,


Lantern Walk Festival

Announcements, Reminders and Important Information

  • We have new accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram. Please click on the icons at the bottom of this newsletter to like and follow our pages. Thank you!
  • Our after school provision on a Friday afternoon may be booked on an ad hoc basis. Please let the office know by 9am Friday if you wish to use the afternoon provision as a one off. Those parents who have blocked booked for Friday afternoons do not need to contact us. Pickup on a Friday from the afterschool provision can be any time up to 5pm. When thinking about your timing please bear in mind it takes a few minutes for your child to tidy up and be ready if it is mid-session.
  • If you would like to join the parents WhatsApp groups, please contact the office and they will put you in touch with your parent rep. Alternatively contact your parent rep directly. Please ensure that you do not share any photos of children other than your own on the WhatsApp groups or social media. Many thanks.

Kindergarten and Junior School News

Autumn Term Calendars

Upcoming Diary Dates

Next week Event Details
Thursday 17th October

Junior School open classroom

2.45pm to 3.15pm

Our Junior staff welcome you in to see all of the children’s hard work this half term.

Friday 18th October


Monday 4th November

Half Term 1pm

Extra curricular clubs will be available until 5pm.

Please let Emma know if you will be using the clubs.

Coming Up Event Details
Friday 8th November Open Day
11.30 – 1.30pm
Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th November Parents’ Evenings tbc


Upcoming Events

In a Nutshell Newsletter 4th October: Online safety and winter evenings.
In a Nutshell Newsletter 18th October: End of Half Term celebrations