Welcome from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

As I sit here to write this, the monsoon rains have stopped (or paused?) and the autumn sunlight is filtering down onto the golden leaves. We are truly lucky to spend every day in such a magical part of London.

However, what makes this setting so magical is not just our access to nature, our puddles to splash in and our trees to climb; it is our community which makes The London Acorn School such a special place to be.

We have been thinking about community a lot this week, how we can help each other out, and come together to celebrate our festivals. Even now, our fabulous parents are thinking about soup, and table decorations, and cloths and tureens, ready to welcome everyone for our harvest celebration. We are so grateful for their help.

Equally, our children this week have been thinking about how they can work well as a team, and the skills which they may have to practice in order to be a good team member. Compassion, support, listening, turn taking and sharing are all skills which we need to practice in order to get better at them – it doesn’t happen on its own.

In Kinde we have been working together to bake bread and share our daily work, remembering to include our friends in our games and be kind. A testament to the calmness and thoughtfulness of our Kinde children – today I witnessed ten children all watching a laminator with intent focus and fascination. The reverence with which they passed around the warm, laminated sheet afterwards reminded me to stop occasionally, and remember to look with new eyes at things which to us adults seem mundane. The wonder of a laminator pouch passing through the machine and magically emerging from the other side warm and stuck together… both myself and the Kinde children appreciated that small thing in that moment. It is a privilege to share the day with such children.

I hope you all managed to come and enjoy our harvest festival with us. I hope the rain managed to stay away…

Kind regards,


Announcements, Reminders and Important Information

  • We have new accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram. Please click on the icons at the bottom of this newsletter to like and follow our pages. Thank you!
  • Our after school provision on a Friday afternoon may be booked on an ad hoc basis. Please let the office know by 9am Friday if you wish to use the afternoon provision as a one off. Those parents who have blocked booked for Friday afternoons do not need to contact us. Pickup on a Friday from the afterschool provision can be any time up to 5pm. When thinking about your timing please bear in mind it takes a few minutes for your child to tidy up and be ready if it is mid-session.
  • If you would like to join the parents WhatsApp groups, please contact the office and they will put you in touch with your parent rep. Alternatively contact your parent rep directly.

Kindergarten and Junior School News

Autumn Term Calendar – First Half Term

Upcoming Diary Dates

Next week Event Details
Wednesday 2nd October

Parent Rep meeting

8.30 to 9.15am


Inaugural Parent Reps meeting 2024/5




Friday 4th October


Hazel Class Walk and Talk

8.30am – 9am

An opportunity to walk with Rachel, hear about plans for this year in Hazel class and ask any questions you may have.
Coming up Event Details
Wednesday 9th October

Homeopathy workshop with Sofia

1pm – 2pm

Come and meet Sofia in the Hall to hear about how homeopathy can help combat coughs and colds this winter.


Saturday 12th October


Parent Workshop with Jo details tbc
In a Nutshell Newsletter 20th September: Off We Go!
In a Nutshell Newsletter 4th October: Online safety and winter evenings.