Welcome from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are well and truly back into the swing of things here; the summer holidays already feel well behind us as the children are now used to coming into their new classrooms, with their new teachers, their new timetables and new routines. Hearing their joyful play as I write this underlines to me why we are here and why we love what we do – a happy, bustling school building brimming with happy children, all working, playing and laughing together.

I hope the children have been bringing home their merits and sharing their achievements with you. I’ve been so impressed at how they have worked together and encouraged each other to show our learning attitudes. Walking through the school and peering into the classrooms, I am enjoying the low hum of children focused and attentive in their classes, and teachers who are intent in their communications with the children.

I can’t let this newsletter pass without mention of our new school mascot; Bella the dog. Fast becoming the “school dog”, she has already shown her worth in the emotional self regulation she allows the children to exhibit when they are near her. The relationship between a child and their pet is a special one – I have had feedback which is 50:50 split between “great, now we don’t have to get a dog!” and “argh, now we’ll have to buy a dog!” I’m sure Bella will make herself at home here in our community very quickly.

We are looking forward to our first community celebration of the academic year next week on Friday 27th – Harvest Festival. Please bring your donations for the Trussell Trust food bank into the entrance hall where a well signposted box awaits. We will also be collecting root vegetables and herbs from Monday and on Wednesday and Thursday will be making the soup and bread to be enjoyed together. Don’t forget your cup, bowl and spoon. See you at 12.15pm on Friday 27th – Kinde tell me they have something special prepared…

Kind regards,


Announcements, Reminders and Important Information

  • Harvest Festival arrangements:
    • Pick up from front door 12.15pm
    • Through into the back garden
    • Short introduction from Rachel and from Kindergarten
    • All will share some harvest songs.
    • Soup and bread – bring cup, bowl and spoon
  • Please see the harvest festival songsheet linked below. There is a link to a recording of the songs and we really encourage parents to listen to the songs if you do not know them.



  • Our after school provision on a Friday afternoon may be booked on an ad hoc basis. Please let the office know by 9am Friday if you wish to use the afternoon provision as a one off. Those parents who have blocked booked for Friday afternoons do not need to contact us. Pickup on a Friday from the afterschool provision can be any time up to 5pm. When thinking about your timing please bear in mind it takes a few minutes for your child to tidy up and be ready if it is mid-session.


  • If you would like to join the parents WhatsApp groups, please contact the office and they will put you in touch with your parent rep. Alternatively contact your parent rep directly.

Kindergarten and Junior School News

Autumn Term Calendar – First Half Term

Upcoming Diary Dates

Next week Event Details
Friday 27th September Birch class walk and talk

8.30am – 9am


An opportunity to walk with Rachel, hear about plans for this year in Birch class and ask any questions you may have.




Friday 27th September


Harvest Festival

12:15pm – 1pm

Come together for our first community festival of the year as we celebrate harvest.

Songs, soup and love.

Bring a cup, bowl and spoon

Coming up Event Details
Wednesday 2nd October

Parent Rep meeting

8.30am – 9.15am

Our first Parent Rep meeting of this academic year. Please chat to your rep if you have anything you would like to raise.

Friday 4th October


Hazel Class Walk and Talk

8.30am – 9am

An opportunity to walk with Rachel, hear about plans for this year in Hazel class and ask any questions you may have.
In a Nutshell Newsletter 13th September: Settling In
In a Nutshell Newsletter 27th September: Oats and beans and barley grow...