Welcome from our Headteacher

Well it feels as though we are truly back into the swing of things this week! All our learners have settled into their new classrooms, got to know their teachers and met lots of new friends.

The weather has turned cool and crisp, and autumn is well and truly here. Walking to the Kinde tree with our youngest Acorns, we enjoyed pointing out the signs of autumn – leaves turning orange and brown and falling to the ground, shiny brown conkers in their cases really to be collected and the grass wet under our feet. Birch class took advantage of my height to persuade me to stand on the log and knock some conkers off the branches for them… one or two of them very kindly held me for balance as it was seeming likely to both me and them that there was going to be a fall!

We have been talking this week throughout the school about our learning attitudes. The children have been learning about resilience, reflection, creativity and being a kind and tolerant learner. All of those were certainly on display at the Kinde tree – trying again when we didn’t manage our goal at the first attempt, and reflecting on what we could do differently next time. In talking about these qualities with the children we aim for them to internalise our values and our ethos here at The London Acorn School,: that of having a go, trying our best, thinking of creative solutions and always showing kindness.

We held a well attended Coffee Morning on Monday and welcomed our Junior parents in for a Curriculum Evening on Wednesday. As ever, it was lovely to see how supportive our community is and how involved our parents are. Our Junior staff were on hand to answer any curriculum queries for the 2024/25 academic year and if any parents were not able to attend, our full curriculum information is on the website.

I imagine there will be a few tired children coming home after their first full week of school this academic year. I wish you a restful, and relaxing, weekend.

Kind regards,


Announcements, Reminders and Important Information

  • We would love to invite some parents/grandparents in to read with our children on an ad hoc basis. If you are interested in coming in to help, please email Rachel at head@thelondonacornschool.co.uk. We place our volunteer readers in a different class to the one their child is in.
  • Our after school provision on a Friday afternoon may be booked on an ad hoc basis. Please let the office know by 9am Friday if you wish to use the afternoon provision as a one off. Those parents who have blocked booked for Friday afternoons do not need to contact us. Pickup on a Friday from the afterschool provision can be any time up to 5pm. When thinking about your timing please bear in mind it takes a few minutes for your child to tidy up and be ready if it is mid-session.
  • If you would like to join the parents WhatsApp groups, please contact the office and they will put you in touch with your parent rep. Alternatively contact your parent rep directly.

Kindergarten and Junior School News

Autumn Term Calendar – First Half Term

Upcoming Diary Dates

Next week Event Details
Friday 20th September Kindergarten Walk and Talk

8:30am -9:15am


A great opportunity for Kindergarten parents to meet Rachel for a walk in Morden Hall Park, learn more about day-to-day life at TLAS and ask any questions about our Early Years.

Coming up Event Details
Friday 20th September

Birch class Walk and Talk

8.30am – 9.15am

A great opportunity for Birch class parents to meet Rachel for a walk in Morden Hall Park, learn more about day-to-day life at TLAS and ask any questions about our Early Years.
In a Nutshell Newsletter 4th September: Welcome to a new year!
In a Nutshell Newsletter 20th September: Off We Go!