tadpoles swimming in green water
Rhythm of nature
Fishes moving in a beautiful symmetry

Dear Parents,

The daily rhythm is just a guideline to help with your day. In kindergarten we need to operate with specific times but at home you can do what works better for you.
Our recommendation is to keep longer child led times( active, such as play, running) followed by adult led times ( more calm, such as activity, books) or viceversa.
It is more important to follow a rhythm than to stick to set times. It is helpful to maintain a good structure that incorporates a good amount of flexibility.

For the children in the last year of kindergarten it will be good to keep a little something that they need to do everyday such as making their bed or a bit of weaving. Then twice a week a bit of a longer “ working” session. In Kindergarten, with their peers, they have managed 30 minutes of chatting and working but this will be different at home.

In times like these, it is our ability to remain calm, positive and present with our children that will make all the difference. As your child adapts to the new situation there may be changes in mood and behaviour. We, as adults, need to make adjustments to meet them where they are. Please, keep in mind that our children are also feeling our uncertainty about this new reality. It is more important to make sure they are emotionally held than finishing their projects if there is a strong opposition.


Kindergarten team.