Overview Class 2 German

Language teaching supports children to develop a positive attitude towards people of other cultures and languages and fosters a human understanding through empathy. In Class 2 a strong element of dualism is important. We work with ja/nein questions and answers and ich/du (me/you). A strong focus is on the rhythmical element of the lessons and the contrast between quietly becoming conscious (e.g. exact pronunciation) and lively activities.  Learning through games, songs and verses continues on from class 1. New content includes cardinal and ordinal numbers, months of the year, natural environment vocabulary, clothing and starting to say small sentences.

Rein wie das feinste Gold,

fest wie ein Felsenstein,

ganz rein wie ein Kristall,

soll meine Seele sein.

Our German lessons start with a Verse appropriate to the age of the children. Teacher and children say this out loud together.

One of the themes in Class 2 are professions. We previously worked on this at school and so the children could continue at home. The children received a vocabulary list with all the professions they named at school. The chosen words used here were Koch (chef), Krankenschwester (nurse), Künstler (artist) and Lehrerin (teacher). In German we distinguish between male and female for these professions. This helped the children learn a new grammatical structure by simply choosing if a man or woman is in their drawing and adding the correct word.

At the end of each German lesson we come together and say another verse.

Sonne, Sonne komm hervor,

aus dem goldenen Himmelstor.

Strahle mich so lange an,

bis ich mit dir strahlen kann.

What else we get up to in German: