Welcome from the TLAS Team
Dear TLAS Community,
It has been a great start to the new term already.
We have dived into our learning, and like a cold water dip, feel rejuvenated at this slow time of year. It brings us teachers so much joy to hear pupils exclaim ‘this is fun’ and ‘I love this school’; that’s what it’s really all about.
Last week we welcomed several new families to our school and we are really pleased to see them settling in so well to our community. This week, please join us in welcoming the El-Hady Family (Layla in Hazel Class and Gabriel in Willow Class); after their taster days last week we are delighted that they are joining us from today.
Parents, we value your support and involvement in the school. If you would like to get more involved and feel able to spare a few hours, please scroll down to find out more about volunteering opportunities.
Thank you for making sure pupils arrive on time and are collected on time. Please note that Extra-curricula Clubs are running again from this week.
It’s great to see pupils with a thermos of hot food at this cold time of year and plenty of healthy snacks to energise them throughout the day.
Finally, a reminder that popcorn will be served by our Student Council on Fridays. If children would like popcorn, it’s a 50p donation to charity. This term we are continuing to support CARE Pakistan.
Thank you for your well wishes and continual support.
All the best,
The TLAS Team

Kindergarten News
Kindergarten staff were so happy to welcome everybody back. Everyone shared what they did during the holiday and said, “Happy New Year!” to each other.
In both circle time (The Woodcutter) and story time (The Brown Glove), children learned how people and animals find ways to keep warm in winter. Children were as busy as usual building structures and putting on shows during indoor play. As well as their routine activities, children carried on with weaving projects and some started learning to do finger knitting.
Kindergarten found some big fallen branches near the kindy tree. Children have been busy building dens, sawing and peeling with these branches.
Thank you, Nature!

Junior School News
Willow Class
Willow Class have been exploring night and day cycles in Science. They talked about how the sun orbits the earth, used a flashlight to develop their understanding of basics of night and day cycles, and did a labelling activity in their book to consolidate their learning.
Hazel Class
Seeing red? Feeling blue?
Hazel Class has been learning about Zones of Regulations in PSHE in order to communicate their emotions through colours and develop personal toolkits to cope with different emotions.
Ask your child what colour they’re feeling today.
Oak Class
Oak Class are studying the topic Our Wonderful World this half term, looking at geographical features of the world and how humans work together with nature to live harmoniously on this planet. The children have started off working as a team to complete the globe as their studies will take them all over the world.
Linking to their topic, Oak Class have been looking at the winter reed beds on the board walk in their Woodland Craft lesson, pondering how water birds have adapted to such cold and wet conditions. Back at their woodland spot, pupils climbed over some trees and visited others, trunks bright with rain. Winter drawings followed back at school.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Parents, we are looking for volunteers to support our expert Woodland Craft teacher, Karin, on Monday afternoons (1.15pm-3.15pm with Willow Class) or on Wednesday afternoons (1.15pm-3.15pm with Oak Class). This would involve being outside in Morden Hall Park, supporting the students’ various nature experiences. A great opportunity to gain a first hand insight into the broad curriculum we offer at The London Acorn School.
We are also looking for a new Parent Governor. This is another great opportunity to find out more about how the school is run, share a parent’s perspective on education, and be involved in changes to your child’s learning experience.
If either of these opportunities interest you, please get in touch with Tamara in the school office: tamara@thelondonacornschool.co.uk

Extra-Curricula Club Timetable Spring 2023