Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Monday 6th May | Bank Holiday Monday | NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS OR STAFF |
Wednesday 8th May | Kindergarten Experience for Little Acorns at 10am | Join Jo Pearce, our Little Acorns Parent and Toddler Group Leader, for an insight into our Kindergarten for Little Acorn parents with children between 2 and 4 years-old. The morning will involve bread-making and a Q&A session with Kindergarten staff. If you are interested, please contact Jo to book a limited space: littleacorns@thelondonacornschool.co.uk |
Friday 10th May | Willow Walk and Talk 8:45am – 9:15am | An opportunity to join Sarah Thorne to ask questions and find out more about Willow Class’s transition to Birch in September. |
Next week |
Event |
Details |
Monday 13th May | Swimming Intensive begins for all Juniors | Swimming lessons will take place between May 13th – May 16th and May 20th – May 23rd
Wednesday 15th May |
Den Day – children only event | Let’s unleash our imaginations and problem-solving to create our own dens in and around our school! A morning of den building across year groups to think “outside the box”. |
Friday 17th May | Class Representatives Meeting
9:15 -10:00 am |
Please send your Class Reps any questions or suggestions you may have about The London Acorn Schoo.l This will be shared with our Deputy Head in a Q&A forum.
Class Reps, questions from parents must be received via email by Wednesday 15th May: zoe@thelondonacornschool.co.uk If you are interested in becoming a Class Representative for the academic year of 2024-25, please let Zoe know and she can share more information with you about what the role involves. Please note change in time due to previously coinciding with Birch Walk and Talk. |
Friday 17th May | Birch Walk and Talk
8:45-9:15am |
An opportunity to join Sarah Thorne to ask questions and find out more about Birch Class’s transition to Hazel in September. |
Welcome from our Headteacher

Welcome to each and everyone,
I hope that you and your family had a peaceful bank holiday weekend. At least we got some sunny periods amongst the showers.
A big thank you to everyone who came along to the maypole festival, especially those who brought along dishes – such a variety of international flavours, this must be one of the more delicious festivals -and teaches so much to the children about positive community.
On Friday we also had a workshop on working with the voice to support children. Huge thanks to Jo Pearce for leading on this inspirational and thought – provoking session.
One of the key ideas was to leave space for children to develop their own internal dialogue by playing, whilst also ensuring that they feel secure, comfortable and supported. Jo suggested adults do some non-device form of work, from craft to tidying or clothes repair, a little way from their child, keeping connection through looks and smiles and, especially if you need to move further away at times, by singing. It doesn’t have to be beautiful, in the shower type singing is fine, and this calms your own nervous system, which in its turn connects with theirs. I would like to share that later, when they are older, maybe going through the stress of GCSEs or worse, they will find your rumbling around the house doing bits and pieces a great source of comfort.
So much of the work we do now, both at home and school, is laying down the ground for later, and establishing the neural pathways that will see them through.
Have a lovely week.
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
Thank you to all our parents involved in the May Festival last week whether dancing, photographing or cooking and baking! It was a wonderful community celebration.
Please see our May Festival Gallery at the end of this newsletter.
Please be aware of the upcoming works to the riverbed in the park which will affect access to the school for a short period.
NT are doing important riverbed restoration works from Monday 10 June through until Friday 28 June. During this period the bridge across will be inaccessible to any staff or visitors.
Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.
Dear Parents,
Please find below the link to our Swimming Lessons for Willow, Birch, Chestnut and Oak Class.
All the information regarding the lessons is in the attached form.
These lessons will be:
May 13th – May 16th
May 20th – May 23rd
Please respond by the end of next week.
Thank you
School drop-off and pick-up times – let your voice be heard:
Kindergarten News
The main themes in Kindergarten in the first week of May were Mayday festival and birthdays! “Happy Birthday!” to the birthday boys and girls. Birthdays are celebrated with love and reverence in our Kindergarten. Through a simple ceremony, children share their joy of growth and receive gifts and best wishes from parents, peers and teachers which will accompany them to enter the next miles of life.
Maypole dance had been a great team experience for younger children as they did not only need to look after the ribbon in hand, but were also trying to sing and dance along with others. Thank you for families that participated in the bunting making, sharing of flowers, cooking and dancing! The varied colours of ribbons held together by the Maypole are like the diversity and unity of our community!
Junior School News
Willow Class: Willow Class are learning that there are many different ways of writing the same sound in the English language. Take /ee/ for example – we’ve discovered so many different ways of spelling this sound, which makes us feel like confident readers! In Maths, we are approaching the topic of time by beginning by looking at the days of the week, months of the year, and even how many weeks and days there are in a typical year. The children are also checking in on the seeds they planted at the start of the half term and working really well together with play rehearsals.
Birch Class: Birch has been working on their persuasive and informative writing by creating travel brochures for the Sahara Desert. This ties in beautifully with their studies of biomes.
Oak and Chestnut Class: Oak and Chestnut are seriously getting into their Greek Myths, engaging really well with stories from Pandora’s Box to the Trojan Wars and getting into related extended writing tasks. Last week they perfected their models for the Green My City 8BillionIdeas entrepreneurship project. They made a clear and informative video outlining their ideas for a sustainable city of the future which they named New New London.
May Festival 2024
Summer Term Calendar 2024