Welcome from the TLAS Team

Dear TLAS Community,

It is always good to start the week with some GOOD news. We are delighted to announce that we have achieved a Good rating in our latest Ofsted inspection. A huge well done to all those involved and a huge thank you to our supportive parental community during that time. Please read our full report here for a positive and true reflection of our unique school.

There are many wonderful comments in the report; one comment that stands out is that “[children] grow into confident young people who are well prepared for secondary school”. If you would like to find out more about leavers’ destinations and testimonials, please visit our Alumni page.

Please join us in welcoming a new addition to Kindergarten. Louis Smart has started in Rose Kindergarten today, welcome to you and your family. We hope you are very happy here.

Please scroll down to find out more about an exciting art opportunity that we are involved in this month with the prestigious Royal Academy.

A few reminders:

  • Open Classroom is on Thursday 16th March at 2:45pm – a great opportunity for parents to come into school and see their child’s work.
  • Thank you to those that have returned their Swimming Consent Forms, just awaiting a few more.
  • Thank you to parents who have been in touch regarding the new Parent Festival Committee, we will be in touch shortly.
  • Feedback Fridays with Sarah Thorne runs each week now from 4.30pm-6pm. To book a slot in advance please contact the office: tamara@thelondonacornschool.co.uk

Best wishes,

The TLAS Team

Kindergarten News

It is still cold, but we have spotted signs of spring in the park. The brave snow drops have slowly gone back to Mother Earth’s blanket. Daffodils and crocuses are popping up here and there. Some of our older kindergarten children planted peas at the backyard and we discovered that clever squirrels really enjoyed these snacks! Well, next week we’ll dig deeper holes and remember to firm up the soil!
Inside the classroom, we decorated eggs with colourful paper and strings; learnt the concept of “half” and enjoyed re-enacting “The Pancake Mill”. Playtime has always been very busy. This week, some children chose to look after babies in cozy homes; some made burrows and tunnels for underground animals; some amazing architects built the “Big Ben” and the “Eiffel Tower”; some decided to put many 0s after 1 and make themselves millionaires when playing shop game!

Junior School News

Willow Class

As part of art, science and geography (biomes), Willow Class have been making aquariums with little fish made of clay.

Hazel Class

Hazel Class have been demonstrating their excellent team work skills across the curriculum recently. Whether that’s in exploring how sound travels through solids by creating string telephones in Science, or by working together on code-breaking problems in Maths, we pride ourselves on our communication, kindness and versatility.

Oak Class

Oak Class have been creating an enormous display for the school, sharing practical ways that each of us can take steps towards supporting the 17 goals for sustainable development. We are refining our skills in persuasive language to make this the most activating display EVER!

In RE we are researching Mother Teresa and now she has a spot on our wall, too.

Finally, in Woodwork Oak Class have been building cam mechanisms this term. Penguins, fish, dogs and birds have all been created to move around when you turn the handle.

Woodland Craft

Willow class focused on ‘extreme nests’, examining a very small actual bird’s nest and considering the kingfisher’s skill in digging a long narrow tunnel, at the end of which they nest on regurgitated fish bones! Students made their own nests in flowerpots, and tucked them in trees so birds could  perhaps re-use the materials. Coo-whit was enjoyed and wading in the stream.

Hazel Class whittled little gnome friends for last week’s  ‘hobby animals’ (stuffed socks on sticks with wooden and clay beads wired on for features, natural materials for hair, hats etc.) Imaginative play with the hobby animals immediately began for some, whereas others whittled. One student made a good job of stripping thorns from brambles, by pulling a length through a tin with a hole in it. Another rapidly wove a birch-twig mat which he gleefully called  ‘Gnomie’s Flying Home’ strapping his gnome to the mat by means of the birch twigs (proud not to use the wire or anything not found in nature).

Oak and Chestnut Classes began, at the students’  request, with coo-whit. For ‘Bushcraft II’ half the group filtered water using various means, and half the group collected brambles for rope and weaving material, removing the thorns by pulling lengths of bramble through a hole they’d made in the bottom of a tin can. Back at school, they drew nettles and cleavers for their books’ monthly calendar.

Royal Academy’s Young Artists’ Summer Show

We are very excited to have an opportunity for pupils at TLAS to showcase their artwork.

The London Acorn School has registered for the RA’s Young Artists’ Summer Show submission site. Artworks can be submitted until 29 March 2023 at 5pm. Please get in touch with Stacey on how to submit: stacey@thelondonacornschool.co.uk

Keep up-to-date with the latest on the Young Artists’ Summer Show using #RAYoungArtists and by following the Royal Academy of Arts on twitterfacebook and instagram.

Spring Term 2 Calendar 2023

In a Nutshell Newsletter 27th February 2023: Ready for Spring
In a Nutshell Newsletter 13th March 2023: Open Classrooms