Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Monday 3rd June | Back to school for Kindergarten and Juniors | School starts back for Kindergarten and Junior students today. |
Thursday 6th June | Sailing for Oak and Chestnut students |
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” The Wind in the Willows It is that time again when our Oak and Chestnut children head to Wimbledon Park to set sail! Please find the consent form link here: https://forms.office.com/e/sTfDkMHatC |
Friday 7th June | Willow Class Play – Willow Parents Only | Willow Parents, you are invited to a performance of Queen Quizaquora at 9am in the Hall. We hope to record the performance for any families unable to attend. |
Next week | Event |
Details |
Monday 10th June | Drop-off and Pick-up Meetings with Andrew Hammond |
Transition to Hall School Wimbledon for year 5 and year 6 education.
Join Sarah and Andrew Hammond of Hall School Wimbledon for details of the transition to Hall School Wimbledon for year 5 and year 6, this year and in the years ahead. All interested families are welcome. These sessions are to answer practical questions on the transition, from preparation at The London Acorn School, through to minibuses, sports and curriculum. Sessions will be held at 8.45-9.15 and 2.30-3.15.
Wednesday 12th June |
8Billionideas inter-Chatsworth Schools Presentation Event – Oak and Chestnut |
We are delighted to go to 8Billionideas inter-Chatsworth Schools Green My City Event at High Wycombe for Years 5 and 6, especially since our students have won a prize!
Transport will be arranged with HSW. More details and consent form to be sent to parents shortly.
Friday 14th June | Chatsworth Schools Cricket Festival at Oberon Fields – Oak and Chestnut | Oak and Chestnut have been training with HSW for this Cricket Festival. More details and consent form to be sent to parents shortly. |
Welcome from our Headteacher

Welcome everyone,
This is always the most beautiful and moving part of the school year. It is a time of hellos and goodbyes and planning for autumn like the humming insects all around the blooms in the rose garden. I can’t match this description made nearly 200 years ago by one of our greatest romantic poets:
Now summer is in flower and natures hum
Is never silent round her sultry bloom
Insects as small as dust are never done
Wi’ glittering dance and reeling in the sun
From The Shepherd’s Calendar by John Clare (1827)
At our school, we draw close to the seasons and nature in so many ways, from woodland craft and gardening, through songs and stories, to the manipulation of natural materials. As a school community, we celebrate the seasons with festivals and now is the time, like busy ants, to share and prepare the festivals for the 2024/25 academic year ahead. I am working with Rachel Bochenski, our incoming head, on a festivals information share for staff. The participation of school families in our festivals is also of key importance, as your input, feedback and sharing are what make our school so special.
We have two main channels through which parents and carers can make a contribution to school community life. These are through the festivals committee or the class representative roles. Both are voluntary, but, in response to feedback, we are clearly setting out the commitment for each role as we wish to protect the important boundaries between professional, personal and voluntary life, and avoid overstretching anyone in the community, and above all focus on enjoyment and fun. If you are interested in any of these roles, please explore the online form here: https://forms.office.com/e/TB0xh6BTyZ, and we will be contact with those that express interest.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to have a word at drop off or pick up. For slightly longer chats I am available in the office on Tuesday mornings 8.30 – 9.30am on a drop-in basis and can also be contacted by telephone at this time.
Have a lovely week!
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
We are very happy to welcome Adannaya this week into Bluebell Kindergarten. We hope that you and your family will feel at home in our school community here and have a wonderful learning journey with us.
We are delighted to announce that the following teachers have been confirmed as Class Teachers for The London Acorn School September 2024:
Willow – Emily Cook (joining us with much experience in state primary and alternative provision settings)
Birch – Martin Cooper and Chantel Martins (joining us from the independent sector with a background in arts and crafts)
Hazel – Stacey Brien
We are creating opportunities for families to meet new class teachers and will be in touch with dates soon.
Please be aware of the upcoming works to the riverbed in the park which will affect access to the school for a short period.
NT are doing important riverbed restoration works from Monday 10 June through until Friday 28 June. During this period the bridge across will be inaccessible to any staff or visitors.
Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.
Summer Term Calendar 2024