Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Wednesday 31st January (children only) |
Imbolc Festival – Juniors and Kindergarten | This is a hopeful time of year when we look for signs of new life emerging from the cold, dark winter. Karin Jashapara, our Woodland Craft Teacher, will be leading us through an outdoor festival, sharing the ice sculptures that have been made by the children and looking forward to the spring. |
Friday 2nd February
10am- 12pm |
Drop-in Tours | For prospective parents, a chance to drop into The London Acorn School and come and see what education can be like in a primary school setting. |
Next week |
Event |
Details |
Wednesday 7th February
10am |
Little Acorns Open Day | An opportunity to hear from our Parent and Toddler Lead, Jo Pearce, more about our stay and play Little Acorns group. |
Friday 9th February |
Break up for Half Term | End of Half Term (after school clubs running as usual).
We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th February. Enjoy celebrating Lunar New Year this weekend (10th February) |
Welcome from our Headteacher

This week is a quietly special one in school. The winter sun is still with us but has risen a little higher in the sky and we pause with the children to think about the ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc (February 1st), when the first stirrings of spring are felt in nature, from the first movements of new lambs inside ewes, to the appearance of snowdrops. This is traditionally known as St Brigid’s Day in Ireland and Candlemas in England. A time of hope in the frost. This festival often lies close to Lunar New Year. We are lucky that this is true, within a week or so, in 2024, with all the associated new beginnings and big celebrations for a Dragon Year.
Now feels the right time for ideas and initiatives within our school community to get properly underway and it is so encouraging to see so many already in this week’s newsletter.
Best wishes for a great week,
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
We are collecting black bags of clothes on Thursday 1st February for fundraising. They will be picked up on Friday 2nd February by Bag2School, so please only bring them in on Thursday. They must be in black bags to be collected. For more information, follow this link: Bag2School Fundraiser | UK’s No.1 Fundraiser for Schools
We have given a number of reminders to ensure your child has a clearly labelled and well fitting pair of wellington boots available at all times in the boot room at Morden Cottage. We are now conducting boot checks and famlies without appropriate boots will be contacted.From next Monday (5th February) children without boots will not be able to take part in breaktime or woodland craft activities if they have not got the appropriate footwear.
Please note that slippers should enable active and safe movement, enclosing the foot around the heel. We recommend slippers similar to Giesswein or Haflinger felted designs. Clothing should also be plain and practical, as we want the children to extend their imaginations, rather than have clothing designers lead them in fantasy play. So please keep dressing up clothes, logos or special items for the weekend.
Last Friday school parent and trauma therapist Catherine Counihan offered a workshop on working with the nervous system. This was so clear and informative. Particularly intriguing was the link made between the nervous systems of adult caregivers and those of children, which encouraged us all in compassionate self care. Cath, your call to accept rupture and repair was inspiring and challenged ‘perfect’ parenting. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us. Check out Catherine’s podcast “Grow Yourself Up’ here: https://shows.acast.com/grow-yourself-up
If you have moved house recently, changed your mobile number or email address, it is most important that you let the office know for emergencies and communications. Please email tamara@thelondonacornschool.co.uk for any changes. Thank you.
We are swimming again this year! To aid childcare arrangements, please find the dates for our Junior 2 week Intensive Swimming Programme: week commencing Monday 13th May and week commencing Monday 20th May (not including Fridays).
Kindergarten News
We began this week with a new theme for circle time. Through “The cobbler” ring time, we got to know a few different occupations and to try many different movements. In Rose, the story of “The Elves and the Shoemaker” was told; in Bluebell, children listened to the story of “Mother Holle”. Both stories were about how doing good works with a good heart brought good fortune.
As Lunar New Year approaches, we started a craft project of making dragons out of paper plates. Children were already excited about the movable dragon’s mouth! The awakening energy of spring time encouraged these little human beings to exercise more. We have observed many athletic activities during free play time. Their building skills made a big leap too, presenting themselves in rooms of various functions. Outdoor time in windy weather, we played in the meadow where children totally enjoyed running, rolling and making grass nests.
Grace is very proud to become a six-year-old this week and so happy to receive lots of love from family and friends. Happy Birthday, Grace!
Junior School News
Willow Class are story writers! We’ve written three stories already this term: about a house living happily in the countryside, a man who wear’s a bearskin and can’t wash for seven years, and a fisherman’s wife who always wants more. Wow! You may even hear about some Maths Stories, too. We’ve met Tommy Times recently who is a magician and multiplies. Soon, we will meet Davina Divide who is quite the opposite of Tommy Times!
Birch Class continue to focus on Scotland. We have written diary entries about finding the Loch Ness monster and, after drawing Ben Nevis, we are now writing about climbing it.
Chestnut and Oak Classes took part in an innovative workshop staff from 8billion Ideas, who came in to introduce the “Green My City” challenge last week. This made for an interesting and enjoyable workshop morning as our children made initial low-fi drawings for a sustainable city of the future. Our student design team will have the opportunity to bring their ideas to a Chatsworth Schools wide forum in Summer Term, but first we need to build a model. Thanks to all families who provided recycle materials – were going to need them as this is going to be quite a big prototype!
Oak Class had a great time at the Merton Junior Citizens event last Thursday. They learned about bikes and bike safety, the Police, First Aid, the Fire Service, how to keep safe on Transport for London and Neighbourhood Watch. For every service they took part in a session with practical hints and tips. A thoroughly enjoyable and interesting morning!
Woodland Craft News
The week began with storms big enough to keep us in the meadow.
Willow Class
Inspired by The Lorax, and maybe seeing our use of twigs as tent pegs, several children made a vertical 3-D model of the woodland: ‘these are the tall trees’, ‘those are the stumps.’ This was bizarre as I’d planned to teach them woodland structure further down the line – and here they were doing it already! Mallet-skills improved, including finding and using a natural one. Elsewhere, a team set up the Sami ‘lavvu’ type of tipi, the poles and wrapping for which were carried from and back to school by four happy boys. Other projects included making a fish, a dragon’s toothbrush, a twig microphone, and cloud-spotting. We practised birdsong ID and stopped to reflect on the session by the stream in the Rose Garden.
Birch Class
We showed the visiting student teacher our usual beautiful spot, but the treetops swayed alarmingly and went straight out to the meadow where we put up three cosy pop-up tents for comfort, and began using our birch brash for spring broom-making. One child’s paper butterfly flew so strongly from its string that I wished we had kites. Everyone prepared their Imbolc ice sculptures, excited for next week. One child wove a ‘super-comfortable’ twig cushion, and the broom-making was appreciated for its knotting needs as much as anything.
Oak and Chestnut Class
A perfect sunny, cool late winter’s day. Aswell as making their own ice – sculptures in rubber gloves, students practised the Candlemas song and their performance of the story of Brigid in preparation for the whole school celebration of Imbolc on Wednesday 31st January.
Poetry Corner
Dreamscape by Emmett Egan
The sea is my playground,
I ride the red waves of adventure as I swing slowly through each day.
The mountain is my playground,
I ski down the cyan snow of curiosity as I slide slowly through each week.
The forest is my playground,
I climb the orange trees of happiness as I climb slowly through each month.
Spring Calendar 2024