Welcome from the TLAS Team
Dear TLAS Community,
As the Juniors begin their two week block of swimming lessons today, it feels as if we are all swimming along to the Easter Holidays now. However, there is lots going on at school and in the wider community before we reach the end of term.
Firstly, thank you to parents for joining us for our Open Classrooms last week. It was a joy to see the children so proud of their work and delighted to share what they have been doing with you. We hope you enjoyed gaining more of an insight into life in the classroom. Remember, our Open Day is taking place directly after the Easter Holidays on Friday 28th April from 1:30pm to 3:00pm if you want to share or get involved.
Secondly, you will be able to book extra-curricula clubs for the Summer Term from today. Please find the new timetable below with two new clubs available on Fridays. A BIG thank you to the Hurwitz family for a huge Lego donation for our new Lego Club starting next term.
There are lots of exciting events taking place in our local community at the moment from writing competitions to storytelling to outdoor challenges, so scroll down to find out how you and your family could get involved.
A few reminders:
- School Pictures: Whole school class pictures will be taking place on Thursday 27th April 2023 (smart casual), weather permitting.
- Feedback Fridays with Sarah Thorne runs each week from 4.30pm-6pm. To book a slot in advance please contact the office: tamara@thelondonacornschool.co.uk
Finally, Happy Mother’s Day for yesterday to all the wonderful mothers in our community. We enjoyed acknowledging Mother’s Day in assembly this morning.
Best wishes,
The TLAS Team

Kindergarten News
Junior School News
Willow Class
Last week, Willow Class made animal stamps in Art and Craft from wood cut in wood work and sponge designed in class. We made animal paws, prints and designs inspired by our Biomes Topic this term. Take a look at the process!
Hazel Class
Hazel Class have been delving deeper into the Anglo Saxons by drawing birds eye plans of Anglo Saxon settlements.
In Handwriting, they have been polishing up their cursive skills writing out our class poem this term,’The Tyger’ by William Blake.
In PSHE, Hazel Class have been learning about how friendships can change and different ways to resolve problems in friendships. These skills are invaluable not only for school, but for life.
Oak Class
Oak Class have been following a free writing process to select a favourite phrase and create Malaysian Poems or Pantoums.
Woodland Craft
Willow Class: It was too windy to be in the woods so we made our Spring Dragons indoors, using London Plane twisty branches and yew twigs, and then took them out with the bigger dragon to play in the Rose Garden. The Climbing Tree was sheltered enough to end with some closely watched acrobatics and imaginative play.
Hazel Class: We ended our ‘how did the Saxons do this?’ series with making two kinds of ink. Brown ink with tea and gum Arabic, black ink with charcoal, egg yolk and honey instead of tea. As conkers are sprouting, all students planted one, and most took them home to watch how they grow.
Oak and Chestnut Classes:Rejoicing in the dry spring weather, a dynamic den contest erupted with immense inventiveness, team-work and efficiency. Both were very good, but the winner, designed for one, included plant medicine and foraged food in the ‘kitchen’, a cosy sleeping section and a little rope swing! A second contest then saw some outstanding rope-packing and tarp-folding. A quick game of coo-whit, and we went back inside to build some food webs.
Exciting Opportunities in our Local Community
Beat the Street

Beat the Street is a free, fun initiative that will see Merton transformed into a giant game! See how far you can walk, cycle, run, scoot and roll in just 6 weeks. There are great challenges to enjoy and prizes up for grabs. The game started on Wednesday 15th March 2023 and will end on Wednesday 26th April 2023. Join our team (The London Acorn School) by registering your card online and help us rocket to the top of the leaderboard!
All My Stripes: a story for children with autism

Zane is a zebra who feels different from the rest of his classmates. One day he returns home from school crying to his mum because the teachers and students don’t understand him. She reminds him that while others may only see his “autism stripes”, he has stripes for honesty, caring, and much more.
Join Magical Quests for an adaptation of the book All My Stripes at Wimbledon Library, Saturday 1st April, 2:30pm.
To book: https://lovewimbledon.org/whatson/all-my-stripes-theatre-performance/
Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers’ Competition 2023

Wimbledon Bookfest are thrilled to launch the 2023 Young Writers’ Competition (YWC) with the theme: ‘Home’.
What does home represent to you? Perhaps it is a place where friendships are made, where food is cooked and where neighbours can laugh together and have fun. Is home local or in a far-away country? Is it a temporary haven or a long-loved place of respite and peace? It could be a hidden or secret place like a bird’s nest found up high in the trees or a burrow nestled safety underground. Or, perhaps for you, ‘Home’ is not a place at all but something or someone which represents something special and helps you to feel most like your true self.
The winning entries will be published in the Wimbledon BookFest 2023 Anthology of Stories and Poems.
If you are interested, please email zoe@thelondonacornschool.co.uk for entry guidelines. Closing date is Friday 5th May 2023.
Summer Term Clubs 2023
Clubs will be available to be booked from today (Monday 20th March). Look out for a specific Clubs email with a booking link. Please note, that if parents try to book prior to receiving the clubs email, those bookings will not be accepted.

Spring Term 2 Calendar 2023