Upcoming Diary Dates
This week | Event | Details |
Monday 11th March | TLAS World Book Day | We can’t wait to see your book character costumes and hear your presentations about your character. Don’t forget to bring the book that your character comes from!
We will be handing out World Book Day £1 tokens to children. |
Tuesday 12th March |
Oak and Chestnut Wandle Walk | Oak and Chestnut will begin walking the Wandle Trail, starting by walking from school towards the Thames and hopefully reaching as far as Earlsfield.
Please complete the consent form here: https://forms.office.com/e/PWGZ5ZT38F |
Friday 15th March |
*postponed* Parent Workshop ‘Light-touch assessments and how we use them at TLAS’ | This parent workshop will NOT be taking place on Friday 15th March and will be postponed until the Summer Term. |
Next week |
Event |
Wednesday 20th March | Kindergarten Experience for prospective parents
10am – 12pm |
This is a window into Kindergarten led by Jo Pearce, our Little Acorns Parent and Toddler Group leader, who introduces prospective parents to the magic of early years education at The London Acorn School.
An opportunity to try Kindergarten crafts with your child while learning more about how we blend Steiner Waldorf education with EYFS to create a nurturing start to your child’s schooling.
A booking form will be sent shortly.
Thursday 21st March |
Junior Open Classroom
2:45pm – 3:15pm |
Come and see your child’s fantastic work that they’ve been working on throughout the Spring Term. They are so proud of all that they’ve done and would love to share it with you. |
Friday 22nd March | Growing Spaces Community Clear-up
8:35am |
Due to wet weather, the previous community clear-up has now been rescheduled for Friday 22nd March. Thank you to our parent volunteers for offering to help make our allotment space clean and tidy again. |
Friday 22nd March | Junior Flute and Recorder Concert
12:30pm – 1pm |
We are delighted to share with parents and carers the musical pieces that the Juniors have been working on throughout the term. |
Welcome from our Headteacher

According to the folk saying, March ‘comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb’. We are still awaiting the softer weather but it will come.
Just like weather cycles, children go through their natural phases and it can sometimes feel that moving to the next stage takes forever. They need time to satisfy each phase, and sometimes, often seen in their play, they get ‘stuck’ in certain behaviours along the way.
One of these ‘stuck’ behaviours can take the form of physically fighting each other, pushing, shoving or even hitting. Many parents have the attitude that the children need to “work it out” and that is so, but sometimes they need some support.
At school we do not accept these behaviours and we close down any moves by children to push, wrestle or hit, whilst emphasising that the individual presence of every child in themselves is always acceptable and to be respected. Children who are around the age of 7, 8 or under often do not have the skills to “work it out.” If we see signs that they are moving to the physical we see this as a need for support. In the playground we may ask them to take some time to calm and then go back in with an adult play coach close by. Ultimately if behaviour is so stuck that it is forming a pattern we may ask parents to keep their child at home for a period, to keep others safe and ‘unstick’ the behaviour in line with our safe behaviour policy.
Being a listening ear can go a long way toward soothing strong emotions and tears even without providing much of a solution. Just having an adult understand how upsetting a situation can be is helpful. You really don’t need a lot of words, just a calm presence.
Of course how parents choose to approach this matter is up to each individual household to decide. To support our school community, my request is that you do not allow your children to physically interact with each other in an unboundaried way, particularly in the environs around the school. If adults are physically present and children are aggressively pushing each other, even if the adults not watching, the very presence of adults indicates to the children that this behaviour is acceptable. We are only human, and you can’t follow every action in a large group of children playing joyfully outside the school, but we can but continue to try to support each other as a ‘learning village’.
With warmest wishes,
Announcements, Reminders and Important Information
Wow! We’ve seen our community really get onboard with our Ready, Steady, Read challenge in partnership with Usborne books. It’s wonderful to hear how much the children enjoyed reading over the week and weekend, too.
So far, we have raised a fantastic £300 in sponsorship, which will be topped-up by Usborne to £450! That is £450 worth of books for your children to read in the school library.
It’s not too late to add sponsorship online. Follow this link to do so: London Acorn School Ready Steady Read Sponsorship Form (google.com)
Thank you for the encouragement; it’s great to see children so excited about books!
Please find attached the new timetable for extra curricula clubs for Kindergarten and Juniors for Summer Term 2024.
Please note a few changes to the timetable from Spring Term 2024.
A Clubs Booking email will be sent today for you to book your child onto a club/s.
Strawberry and banana smoothies will be sold alongside popcorn on Fridays to raise money for our school’s chosen charity this year, The Trussell Trust foodbank.
Costs £1 for a cup.
Contains: gluten free oat milk, frozen strawberries and bananas.

Kindergarten News
During our outdoor walk, we visited the daffodil trail in the park. Not only the yellow and white daffodils greeted us with bright smiles, but we also discovered jewel-like crocuses waving their pretty petals at us. We walked quietly so that ducks resting on the nearby lawn would not be disturbed. We said, “goodbye!” to the brave snowdrop flowers, for they’ve now returned to Mother Earth’s warm blanket.
Indoors, there have been a lot of transportation happening, ranging from boat rides to space trips. As Easter approaches, chicks and bunnies have started to appear in the games. In the pretend homes built with play-frames and blankets, children caringly cooked meals, ironed baby clothes and took care of families. Audiences who sat nicely at a puppet show were rewarded with nice fabrics and dolls.
We welcomed a few tasters this week and it was wonderful to see many friendly gestures from children. We are proud of older kinde children for their willingness in helping and encouraging each other during daily work time. When children sense love and good will from other children, their hearts blossom with warmth which will spread when they are strong and carry them through when facing difficulties.
This week’s birthday girl, Sasha, was overjoyed to see teachers and friends drawing everything she loved for her. Happy birthday, dearest Sasha!
Junior School News
Willow Class: In Art, Willow Class went on a leaf hunt, gathering mainly ivy leaves, which they then used to make crayon prints in the classroom. Some beautiful work was produced, and they will be introduced to ink and rollers as they continue to explore printmaking next week. In English, Geography and Science, children are combining their skills on habitats and animals to write Animal Diaries. I look forward to hearing about a day in the life of a…mongoose, unicorn and great white shark!
Birch Class: Birch Class is busy writing The Next Adventure for Six Dinner Sid, based in Scotland. Hoping to share some scenes next week.
Oak and Chestnut Class: Oak and Chestnut students have been putting their theoretical river knowledge into practical action by building a river model in the back garden to learn how rivers meander.
It was wonderful this week to see children in Oak and Chestnut start to code their own programmable electronic systems. The ultimate objective is for each child to create an electronic light show display, which responds to a range of inputs, including hand claps, and highlights a diorama which they have created. Watch this space! Meanwhile, in the classroom we started a big piece of creative writing on the myths and legends of their chosen river. This week we start the first of our river Wandle expeditions – it’s a watery world in Oak and Chestnut!
Woodland Craft News
Willow Class: there was some lovely teamwork in a game of fishing, and in making a detailed and elaborate den, as well as some intense focus on individual crafts – a birch cushion, a sawn and trimmed staff, a magic key – all gave a good feeling to the session, and it was a delight to have the charming company of a child visiting on a trial day. We played the food web game, and they had fun making connections between their plants and animals ‘what does a kestrel eat?’ ‘what eats hedgehogs?’ ‘does anything eat a centipede?’
Birch Class: life in the stream again got huge interest ‘LOOK – there’s a FISH !!!!’ We decided it was a little bullhead, and along with lots of other tiny ‘critters’ it was very satisfying. Two children got busy ‘fixing the pollution’ by fishing out rubbish from the stream. We’d thought about the grit-crunching gizzard that helps worms and ducks digest, and the duck’s crop pocket for food storage, and their general lack of teeth, and here was part of the ducks’ food supply. A beautiful little shop was made by some children by the stream, with brooms made for sweeping the ground, arrays of pebbles and sticks, and a pot of water invertebrates borrowed to add interest for visitors. We played coo-whit, looked at a Robin’s nest and practised our birdsong learning.
Oak and Chestnut Class: it was a purposeful and enjoyable afternoon with just four students, two re-creating the much-loved log bridge over the stream, sawing and heaving, and decorating a wand for a Willow class child at the end. The other two experimented with different weaving materials. One drew on basketry techniques to start a birch cushion, and the knowledge they’d gained in Kinde to make a brooch – ‘there’s a sort of neon glow to the colours’. The other wove in lots of colours and textures, planning to finish with rainbow colours at home.
Updated Spring Calendar 2024