Acorn Musical Maestros
from 0 years – 5 years

45 minute sessions
It has been a pleasure to welcome back our Acorn Musical Maestros group at The London Acorn School this month. We are really looking forward to hosting many groups throughout the year as Myrto our teacher, shares with you a variety of stimulating classes for all our little ones.
As our classes are proving popular we would like to offer more opportunities for local families to come together in our lovely school by expanding our number and style of preschool groups. These sessions are aimed at children from 0-5 years with their Parents/Carers and have been very popular in the past.
Our new Little Acorns sessions would be held in our Hall giving parents and children fantastic opportunities for free play, crafts and a healthy snack, as well as providing the chance to meet other members within our warm and friendly community.
For all families interested in being a part of our new Little Acorns sessions, we would love to offer the first two sessions for free.
Please can you confirm whether you would like to take part in this exciting initiative and we will add your name to the waiting list.
Typically these sessions have been for 45 minutes in the mornings from 11:00 -11:45 am. If you are interested in particular days please do let us know.
Subsequently there would be a £10.00 charge.
‘It’s been a wonderful year at Little Acorns. [My daughter] has thoroughly enjoyed herself and has come so far developmentally. Thank you for helping to create this warm and safe environment for us to play in.’
‘Thank you for a wonderful year at Little Acorns – [my son’s] first experience of a teacher has been fantastic!
‘You have always been a friendly face that the children love seeing!’