Upcoming Diary Dates

This week Event Details
Friday 5th July

Parent Workshop on Light-touch assessment and how these are used at TLAS


An opportunity to take a look at resources and talk though how we assess at different stages and for different areas of need at The London Acorn School with Zoe Everett and Sarah Thorne.

A booking form will be sent following this Nutshell.

Friday 5th July

Junior School Concert – Parents Invited

12:30pm -1pm

Come and listen to Willow and Birch singing and Oak and Chestnut playing their flutes for this end of year concert. A lovely way to say farewell.
Friday 5th July

Oak and Chestnut Leavers Lunch with Parents

1pm -1:30pm

Parents of Oak and Chestnut students are welcome to attend Oak and Chestnut’s Leavers Lunch to celebrate their time at The London Acorn School.
Next week Event


Monday 8th July

Junior School Trips – all day

We’ve all been working very hard so it’s time to have some fun!
Willow and Birch are off to Hobbledown and Oak/Chestnut are off to Chessington World of Adventures.
Thank you to all parents for returning consent forms, much appreciated.

Tuesday 9th July

Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony – Parents Invited


Parents of Kindergarten Yr1 Leavers are welcome to attend our Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony to celebrate their time in Kindergarten and to look forward to them joining our Junior School in September.
Wednesday 10th July Community Picnic – Kindergarten and Juniors, Parents Invited

2pm -3:15pm

Leavers’ Arch


As requested by parents, an opportunity to say goodbye to students, families and staff together. Please join us in the back garden for a picnic. The school will be providing tea and scones for the community. Please feel free to bring a cake to share.

Students and staff that are leaving us at the end of this academic year will then proceed through our Leaver’s Arch outside the front of Morden Cottage at 3:15pm.

Wednesday 10th July End of Academic Year No afterschool clubs.

We hope you all have a restful Summer Holiday and look forward to welcoming you back for the new academic year on Wednesday 4th September.

Welcome from our Headteacher


It is around this time of year, when children are so tired and still facing the challenges of finishing up their work, that social issues in our learning groups can bubble up.

This is a great test of the true power of our community. In Africa they call this power Ubuntu; our joint compassion and humanity.

When their Ubuntu rises the children work together to heal rifts and support each other. It is so beautiful when we see that come through in a group.

Sometimes they need a bit of support, time to rest away from the social hurly burly, time to sleep and reassurance that, even if others irritate, they can get over it, and they have strategies to do so.

Together we will make a beautiful end of term.

Have a great week,


Announcements, Reminders and Important Information


Look out for an email today about booking afterschool clubs for Autumn Term 2024.
We are also excited to announce our new wraparound care options, including morning room and home room, offering childcare from 8am-5pm.
More information, including prices and times will be available in the booking link sent by email today.


On the last day of term (Wednesday 10th July), we will be gathering in the back garden for a celebration tea at 2pm before all children go through the leavers arch and off to holidays at 3.15pm.
Friends and family are welcome to join us.
Those leaving for the last time will be given a rose as they come through.
If you would like to bake something for the tea table that would be gratefully appreciated.
Please label your bake with ingredients and bear in mind we are a nut-free school. This is to protect those with food allergies.


Dear Parents, please complete this survey if you have not done so already. Much appreciated.

Chatsworth Schools Summer ’24 Survey for parents, carers and guardians (office.com)



Goals are set by the child and can be extended if they reach their goal. The reading level is decided by the child, therefore each individual is reading at their own level. Application and tracking can be online or it can be engaging with volunteering teens at local libraries. When children enter a book which they have finished, there are opportunities for children to explore the language required to review a plot or describe their favourite character.


We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer eligible parents 30 hours of funded childcare alongside the 15 hours we already operate for children under 5.  Please follow the attached link to check your eligibility.

How to apply for 30 hours free childcare and find out if you’re eligible – The Education Hub (blog.gov.uk)

Kindergarten News

It has been a hot week. The expansive energy of the season encourages us to move and to explore. In summer, children are often more restless and adventurous. Their little feet move faster and farther than grown-ups expect. During kinde outdoor walks, we cannot emphasise enough how important it is to “STAY TOGETHER” and always check that ” big feet before little feet”. Although we feel that Morden Hall Park is like our own back garden, it is a public space after all. When families enjoy the lovely sunny weather in the park, please also remind your child to stay where you can see and ask before moving to a different spot. Let us work together for a safer community!

In the classroom, play ideas flourish like summer flowers. There have been pirate ships, puppet shows, camping, shops, doctors, and birthdays…etc. In the last term of the year, as children’s attentiveness increases, we choose longer fairytales for story time. This week, we learned ” Briar Rose” in Rose and “Three Oranges” in Bluebell. On Tuesday, we grated apples to make apple juice and put the pulp in an ice tray to make apple ice. Some children enjoyed this “cooling” treat in the heat whilst some were more reserved because these ice cubes were not as sweet as the ice lollies!

Junior School News

Willow Class:

Willow Class have turned shipowners and have been learning about money by selling and buying from others, working out the correct change to give someone from £1. It is great to see this class already more confident with using money as well as being entrepreneurial.

Elsewhere in the curriculum, Willow Class are completing their retelling of fairy tales, their most extensive written work to date so far. These are wonderful pieces of work demonstrating not only the skills they have learnt this year but also their enthusiasm for storytelling.

Birch Class:

Birch Class have been working with diary entries and persuasive writing linked with their studies of Ancient Egypt.

Chestnut and Oak Class: 

Chestnut and Oak Class have been creating their own haikus, understanding the golden ratio, and creating their own musical compositions to share in the Junior Summer Concert on Friday. We can’t wait to listen to all that you have been composing!
In a Nutshell Newsletter 25th June: Hot Summer Days
In a Nutshell Newsletter 8th July: The End of Academic Year 2023/24